I can't watch the news anymore. It breaks my heart too much. We have an egomaniac, man-baby in charge of our great country, waging war against another egomaniac, man-baby.

I can't take it. Can't handle it. It's too much.

Anyone who supports this irresponsible behavior and has the nerve to get high and mighty with those of us who are far more ENLIGHTENED...(yeah, I said it.)

Well, I'm fed up! I have a few choice words for them that certainly won't solve our differences. Not that those differences could ever be solved. There is only ONE who could solve our differences and that is Jesus Christ. He will have to descend from Heaven, and say very definitely which side is right. Or who is MORE right, because I'm sure there is plenty blame and finger pointing to go around.

People don't know Jesus anymore. They are far too angry and seek a vengeful God. And God will get His vengeance one day and every single one of us will answer for our part in this shit world we have created.

I can't stand what I am seeing all over social media and yes, I help share and spread my views because I keep hoping that someone will have a wake up call and see what is in front of their damn faces.

But it doesn't happen. They are as firm in their beliefs and views as I am in mine. So now we judge each others characters and goodness by those beliefs and views and we have a hatred for one another that slowly boils with no one watching to keep it from spilling over into other areas of our lives.

We are divided.

It is us against them. Them against us. Will we ever come together? Should I fear that moment when we all come together and peacefully agree and put our differences aside? Isn't that a sign of the end of days? Am I ready for that, with all this anger and hatred in my heart for people I view as ignorant? Will He give me the time to let go of that hate and learn to truly love my enemy? Is that even possible, with all the pain these people want to cause others who live lifestyles they don't understand? Can I love and respect someone who desires to strip peoples rights away? Can I love someone who tells people that they are going to hell, like they are God? Can I not judge people who so cruelly judge others?

I can't stand what I am seeing anymore. It hurts too much. My heart breaks for the ones being judged and demonized because of their personal lifestyle choices; choices we can't begin to understand.

Do I have time to quit being such a fucking hypocrite?

I don't know. But God, help me.

Help us all.


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