Not Real

I want to escape. 
This can't be my life.
I'm bored. Unfulfilled.
I can't breath.
Nothing is what I expected.

I live in my head, wishing and praying it was my life.
I wish it was real.
But it only makes sense to me.
Nobody understands. Nobody gets me.
It's lonely. It's sad.
I'm so isolated. I isolate myself.
I want more from this life. So much more.

I'm not where I thought I would be. 
I'm not who I thought I was.
I'm only here to care for others. To take care of someone else's needs.
I'm not complaining. 
But taking care of myself is selfish.
Wanting ore than what I have is selfish.
My desires mean nothing.
They are a problem to be fixed.
They are too much for anyone to care about.

Why can't I be happy?
Is this depression again?
I cry for all that I have missed.
I cry for the person I used to be;
or who I thought I was, rather, who I thought I would be.

But I'm not her. She's not me.
She was just a dream that is as faded and old as I have become.
She's not real.

I'm looking for something, but I'm not sure what.
Would I even recognize it if I saw it?
Everyone wants to be something special,
do something special. Make a mark.
I'm not making a mark. 
Not making a difference, not even a little bit, no matter how I try.
I can't even keep myself happy.

So back in my head I go, 
where I'm understood and accepted.
Not for what I can do, but for who I am, deep down.


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